Hi there!

Welcome to Overthinking: Revised, a newsletter by me, Pınar.

You can think of me as your feminist friend who feels a lot.

Here I offer inspections of human relations, intimacy, conditions of belonging, selfhood, and survival techniques in a crazy world. I also do a lot of introspection (some call it overthinking) and follow inspiring writers and artists in the process.

Things I read (mostly literature and philosophy, but I am also curious about many other things), and pretty things I notice (art, film, or my friend’s giggle) help me sketch some meaning into my world. I share those sketches here, mostly in the form of questions.

Why subscribe?

I believe the acts of thinking and asking questions work better when shared. By signing up, you make my monologue into a conversation, and if we’re lucky, a connection.

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And if you feel like it, share it with your friends :)

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Stories where I ask big questions in small settings. The everyday, the intimate, the literary.


Writer, overthinker, person of many feelings. Here to share questions.